Friday, November 13, 2015

Aaron - Five Months

5 months old! (As of the 8th.) Can you tell he turned 5 months on a Sunday?

We won't know until his six month appointment, but he feels gigantic. He's in the neighborhood of 17 pounds.

9 month clothes and size 3 diapers. Aaron still fits in a few 6 month outfits, but he's too long for most of them.

Lots of baby babbling, cooing, gurgling, and squealing. He's laughing a lot now, which is so much fun. He also seems to have mastered shrieking at a much earlier age than EJ.

Aaron's sleep has been regressing in a big way. It has not been fun! He wakes up at least twice a night, occasionally more. Last night it was four times. Hopefully he outgrows this soon, because I'm getting sleepy!

Formula. Once or twice a day he has a five ounce bottle, and the rest are four ounces, and he has six total bottles per day. We're going to start solids soon.

Chewing on blankets, his sleeves, and whatever else he can get his hands on. Everything goes in his mouth.
The Exersaucer! He goes bonkers in that thing.
Being outside
The Ergo. Aaron likes to spend hours every day in the Ergo.
Missy! Aaron and Missy have been becoming pals lately.
Rolling. He just started rolling tummy to back, so now he can go both ways.
Grabbing toys. Grabbing everything!
Laughing, funny faces, and being tickled

Being put down. He likes being held all the time.
Being startled
Going to sleep. Aaron talks himself to sleep every day. It's as if he's using every last ounce of energy to fight off sleep as long as possible.
Teething. He's been having a rough time lately (which may be why he wants to be in the Ergo so much), but no teeth yet.

He loves grabbing toys, especially the crinkly sounding ones. He chews on everything.
He's really gotten into the Exersaucer lately! He jumps around so much that I'm kind of worried he's going to hurt himself.
In swings. Aaron's gone in the swings at the park a few times now, but hasn't been super impressed. Yet.

Aaron & EJ
Aaron continues to love EJ. Everything EJ does is hilarious, and Aaron just smiles and smiles when EJ lays down on a blanket with him or plays with him. It's so much fun to watch!

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