Age: 10 months old!
Stats: At his 9 month appointment, Aaron was a little over 21 pounds. He was still at the 95th percentile for height, but dropped to the 70th for weight. He's still a sturdy guy, but he's thinned out a bit from the super chunk he used to be.
Wears: 12 month and 18 month clothes. He's in size 4 or 5 shoes and size 4 diapers.
Says: A lot these days! Mama, dada, up, go, cat, ball, wee-ooo (a siren sound), baba (bottle), and a few others I can't think of right now. He mimics a lot of other words that he doesn't say on his own yet. Up means up and down right now (it reminds me of how hot meant hot and cold to EJ for a long time) so we hear a lot of up!
Sleeps: Aaron sleeps through the night pretty consistently now. He had a bit of a nine month sleep regression and woke up once a night for about a week. I did not enjoy it. Luckily, he's gone back to sleeping through most nights.
His naps are still unpredictable. Sometimes he'll take two, and sometimes he'll take none. Sometimes he stays asleep in his crib for five minutes, and sometimes for two hours. He fights sleep with every last fiber of his being, and if he doesn't want to sleep, he will not sleep. Period. That said, most days I get at least twenty minutes of overlapping nap time, so I really can't complain! Overall, Aaron's sleeping habits are much, much better than they used to be and continue to improve. Yay for sleeping babies!
Eats: Aaron still has 3-4 6 ounce bottles per day. At his nine month appointment, the pediatrician said I wasn't feeding him enough solids, so we've been focusing on trying to do more food and fewer bottles. Aaron loves sweet potato, avocado, applesauce, Cheerios, and banana, and eats little bits of most things we're eating. The goal is three meals of solids per day and three bottles, which happens... sometimes.
He has seven teeth- four on top, and three on bottom.
Loves: Walking! He's a walking machine these days and he's SO proud of himself. He still loves Mommy, and sometimes only Mommy. He loves balls, chewing on toys, dancing, singing the Siren Song, banging on drums, being tickled, and running after EJ. Eskimo kisses make him very happy!
Dislikes: Sleeping, cold bottles, being told no, putting his sleep sack on (but he's fine once it's on), putting on pajamas (it sounds like we're murdering him, but again, he's fine once they're on), being put down. If he's tired, he dislikes everything!
Plays: Peek-a-boo (EJ is his favorite to play with), with his music table, and in the toy kitchen. He loves pushing the ride on giraffe around the house. He will play with anything he can put in his mouth. He loves playing in blanket forts.
Aaron & EJ: Aaron adores EJ! He always gets the biggest smile on his face when he first sees EJ after waking up. They play together really well right now. Aaron is old enough that they can have lots of fun together, but still young enough that he doesn't get too upset if EJ takes his toys or doesn't want to share. He's happy doing whatever EJ wants to do, and I'm sure I'll miss this once Aaron starts having more opinions! For now, they are the best of buddies and it's very sweet.