Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Lake Miramar... Again

          Last week, when EJ's and my original plans were derailed by this:

....we decided to abandon our plan and the traffic and go to our old standby, Lake Miramar.  I was very annoyed by the traffic because it took us over 15 minutes to go less than half a mile, and we still hadn't gotten to the freeway entrance and were too late to go to the class we were trying to get to.  As much as I love the lake, I was disappointed that we didn't get to do what I wanted to, very frustrated by the traffic, and not excited to run at the lake when it was a million degrees out.  I only point this out because I think my mood contributed to my impulsive decision to take the stroller off the main paved trail at the lake and down onto a dirt trail.
This hill seemed a lot smaller when we went down it.

          There are tons of trails all around the lake, but when I'm alone with EJ and the jogging stroller, I tend to stick to the main path because the trails are all either uphill or downhill from it and the dirt is loose with lots of rocks.  This time, I saw a spot where I thought I could take the stroller down to a dirt trail near the water and went for it.  Once we got to the bottom of the hill, it seemed much steeper than it had from the top and I wasn't sure how I would get the stroller back up!  This adventure seemed much better suited to a time when Pete was with me and could muscle EJ back up to the main trail, but I was on the lower path now, so I figured I would at least walk around for a bit and hope to find an easier place to get back up.
          I loved the little path we found! All the trails we've explored before have been above the main path, never down below it.  This path went along the very edge of the water, so it was beautiful.  It was also cool with the breeze coming off the lake and shady from all the trees.  It was a little rocky, but the bumps weren't enough to wake EJ.  Luckily, we did find an easy way back up, and now I can't wait to bring Pete back with us this weekend to explore the trail further.

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